30 Days Of Python: Day 18 - Regular Expressions
First Edition: Nov 22 - Dec 22, 2019
A regular expression or RegEx is a special text string that helps to find patterns in data. A RegEx can be used to check if some pattern exists in a different data type. To use RegEx in python first we should import the RegEx module which is called re.
After importing the module we can use it to detect or find patterns.
To find a pattern we use different set of re character sets that allows to search for a match in a string.
# syntac
re.match(substring, string, re.I)
# substring is a string or a pattern, string is the text we look for a pattern , re.I is case ignore
import re
txt = 'I love to teach python and javaScript'
# It returns an object with span, and match
match = re.match('I love to teach', txt, re.I)
print(match) # <re.Match object; span=(0, 15), match='I love to teach'>
# We can get the starting and ending position of the match as tuple using span
span = match.span()
print(span) # (0, 15)
# Lets find the start and stop position from the span
start, end = span
print(start, end) # 0, 15
substring = txt[start:end]
print(substring) # I love to teach
As you can see from the example above, the pattern we are looking for (or the substring we are looking for) is I love to teach. The match function returns an object only if the text starts with the pattern.
import re
txt = 'I love to teach python and javaScript'
match = re.match('I like to teach', txt, re.I)
print(match) # None
The string does not string with I like to teach, therefore there was no match and the match method returned None.
# syntax
re.match(substring, string, re.I)
# substring is a pattern, string is the text we look for a pattern , re.I is case ignore flag
import re
txt = '''Python is the most beautiful language that a human being has ever created.
I recommend python for a first programming language'''
# It returns an object with span and match
match = re.search('first', txt, re.I)
print(match) # <re.Match object; span=(100, 105), match='first'>
# We can get the starting and ending position of the match as tuple using span
span = match.span()
print(span) # (100, 105)
# Lets find the start and stop position from the span
start, end = span
print(start, end) # 100 105
substring = txt[start:end]
print(substring) # first
As you can see, search is much better than match because it can look for the pattern throughout the text. Search returns a match object with a first match that was found, otherwise it returns None. A much better re function is findall. This function checks for the pattern through the whole string and returns all the matches as a list.
findall() returns all the matches as a list
txt = '''Python is the most beautiful language that a human being has ever created.
I recommend python for a first programming language'''
# It return a list
matches = re.findall('language', txt, re.I)
print(matches) # ['language', 'language']
As you can see, the word language was found two times in the string. Let us practice some more. Now we will look for both Python and python words in the string:
txt = '''Python is the most beautiful language that a human being has ever created.
I recommend python for a first programming language'''
# It returns list
matches = re.findall('python', txt, re.I)
print(matches) # ['Python', 'python']
Since we are using re.I both lowercase and uppercase letters are included. If we do not have the re.I flag, then we will have to write our pattern differently. Let us check it out:
txt = '''Python is the most beautiful language that a human being has ever created.
I recommend python for a first programming language'''
matches = re.findall('Python|python', txt)
print(matches) # ['Python', 'python']
matches = re.findall('[Pp]ython', txt)
print(matches) # ['Python', 'python']
txt = '''Python is the most beautiful language that a human being has ever created.
I recommend python for a first programming language'''
match_replaced = re.sub('Python|python', 'JavaScript', txt, re.I)
print(match_replaced) # JavaScript is the most beautiful language that a human being has ever created.
# OR
match_replaced = re.sub('[Pp]ython', 'JavaScript', txt, re.I)
print(match_replaced) # JavaScript is the most beautiful language that a human being has ever created.
Let us add one more example. The following string is really hard to read unless we remove the % symbol. Replacing the % with an empty string will clean the text.
txt = '''%I a%m te%%a%%che%r% a%n%d %% I l%o%ve te%ach%ing.
T%he%re i%s n%o%th%ing as r%ewarding a%s e%duc%at%i%ng a%n%d e%m%p%ow%er%ing p%e%o%ple.
I fo%und te%a%ching m%ore i%n%t%er%%es%ting t%h%an any other %jobs.
D%o%es thi%s m%ot%iv%a%te %y%o%u to b%e a t%e%a%cher?'''
matches = re.sub('%', '', txt)
I am teacher and I love teaching.
There is nothing as rewarding as educating and empowering people.
I found teaching more interesting than any other jobs. Does this motivate you to be a teacher?
txt = '''I am teacher and I love teaching.
There is nothing as rewarding as educating and empowering people.
I found teaching more interesting than any other jobs.
Does this motivate you to be a teacher?'''
print(re.split('\n', txt)) # splitting using \n - end of line symbol
['I am teacher and I love teaching.', 'There is nothing as rewarding as educating and empowering people.', 'I found teaching more interesting than any other jobs.', 'Does this motivate you to be a teacher?']
To declare a string variable we use a single or double quote. To declare RegEx variable r''. The following pattern only identifies apple with lowercase, to make it case insensitive either we should rewrite our pattern or we should add a flag.
import re
regex_pattern = r'apple'
txt = 'Apple and banana are fruits. An old cliche says an apple a day a doctor way has been replaced by a banana a day keeps the doctor far far away. '
matches = re.findall(regex_pattern, txt)
print(matches) # ['apple']
# To make case insensitive adding flag '
matches = re.findall(regex_pattern, txt, re.I)
print(matches) # ['Apple', 'apple']
# or we can use a set of characters method
regex_pattern = r'[Aa]pple' # this mean the first letter could be Apple or apple
matches = re.findall(regex_pattern, txt)
print(matches) # ['Apple', 'apple']
Let us use examples to clarify the meta characters above
Let us use square bracket to include lower and upper case
regex_pattern = r'[Aa]pple' # this square bracket mean either A or a
txt = 'Apple and banana are fruits. An old cliche says an apple a day a doctor way has been replaced by a banana a day keeps the doctor far far away.'
matches = re.findall(regex_pattern, txt)
print(matches) # ['Apple', 'apple']
If we want to look for the banana, we write the pattern as follows:
regex_pattern = r'[Aa]pple|[Bb]anana' # this square bracket means either A or a
txt = 'Apple and banana are fruits. An old cliche says an apple a day a doctor way has been replaced by a banana a day keeps the doctor far far away.'
matches = re.findall(regex_pattern, txt)
print(matches) # ['Apple', 'banana', 'apple', 'banana']
Using the square bracket and or operator , we manage to extract Apple, apple, Banana and banana.
regex_pattern = r'\d' # d is a special character which means digits
txt = 'This regular expression example was made on December 6, 2019 and revised on July 8, 2021'
matches = re.findall(regex_pattern, txt)
print(matches) # ['6', '2', '0', '1', '9', '8', '2', '0', '2', '1'], this is not what we want
regex_pattern = r'\d+' # d is a special character which means digits, + mean one or more times
txt = 'This regular expression example was made on December 6, 2019 and revised on July 8, 2021'
matches = re.findall(regex_pattern, txt)
print(matches) # ['6', '2019', '8', '2021'] - now, this is better!
regex_pattern = r'[a].' # this square bracket means a and . means any character except new line
txt = '''Apple and banana are fruits'''
matches = re.findall(regex_pattern, txt)
print(matches) # ['an', 'an', 'an', 'a ', 'ar']
regex_pattern = r'[a].+' # . any character, + any character one or more times
matches = re.findall(regex_pattern, txt)
print(matches) # ['and banana are fruits']
Zero or many times. The pattern could may not occur or it can occur many times.
regex_pattern = r'[a].*' # . any character, * any character zero or more times
txt = '''Apple and banana are fruits'''
matches = re.findall(regex_pattern, txt)
print(matches) # ['and banana are fruits']
Zero or one time. The pattern may not occur or it may occur once.
txt = '''I am not sure if there is a convention how to write the word e-mail.
Some people write it as email others may write it as Email or E-mail.'''
regex_pattern = r'[Ee]-?mail' # ? means here that '-' is optional
matches = re.findall(regex_pattern, txt)
print(matches) # ['e-mail', 'email', 'Email', 'E-mail']
We can specify the length of the substring we are looking for in a text, using a curly bracket. Let us imagine, we are interested in a substring with a length of 4 characters:
txt = 'This regular expression example was made on December 6, 2019 and revised on July 8, 2021'
regex_pattern = r'\d{4}' # exactly four times
matches = re.findall(regex_pattern, txt)
print(matches) # ['2019', '2021']
txt = 'This regular expression example was made on December 6, 2019 and revised on July 8, 2021'
regex_pattern = r'\d{1, 4}' # 1 to 4
matches = re.findall(regex_pattern, txt)
print(matches) # ['6', '2019', '8', '2021']
txt = 'This regular expression example was made on December 6, 2019 and revised on July 8, 2021'
regex_pattern = r'^This' # ^ means starts with
matches = re.findall(regex_pattern, txt)
print(matches) # ['This']
txt = 'This regular expression example was made on December 6, 2019 and revised on July 8, 2021'
regex_pattern = r'[^A-Za-z ]+' # ^ in set character means negation, not A to Z, not a to z, no space
matches = re.findall(regex_pattern, txt)
print(matches) # ['6,', '2019', '8', '2021']
paragraph = 'I love teaching. If you do not love teaching what else can you love. I love Python if you do not love something which can give you all the capabilities to develop an application what else can you love.
(6, 'love'),
(5, 'you'),
(3, 'can'),
(2, 'what'),
(2, 'teaching'),
(2, 'not'),
(2, 'else'),
(2, 'do'),
(2, 'I'),
(1, 'which'),
(1, 'to'),
(1, 'the'),
(1, 'something'),
(1, 'if'),
(1, 'give'),
(1, 'develop'),
(1, 'capabilities'),
(1, 'application'),
(1, 'an'),
(1, 'all'),
(1, 'Python'),
(1, 'If')
points = ['-12', '-4', '-3', '-1', '0', '4', '8']
sorted_points = [-12, -4, -3, -1, -1, 0, 2, 4, 8]
distance = 8 -(-12) # 20
Write a pattern which identifies if a string is a valid python variable
Clean the following text. After cleaning, count three most frequent words in the string.
sentence = '''%I $am@% a %tea@cher%, &and& I lo%#ve %tea@ching%;. There $is nothing; &as& mo@re rewarding as educa@ting &and& @emp%o@wering peo@ple. ;I found tea@ching m%o@re interesting tha@n any other %jo@bs. %Do@es thi%s mo@tivate yo@u to be a tea@cher!?'''
I am a teacher and I love teaching There is nothing as more rewarding as educating and empowering people I found teaching more interesting than any other jobs Does this motivate you to be a teacher
print(most_frequent_words(cleaned_text)) # [(3, 'I'), (2, 'teaching'), (2, 'teacher')]